

The Impact and Community Partnership Award recognizes members for their intentional efforts in building and sustaining impactful partnerships that meet the educational needs and concerns of those within their community.   


First, second, and third place will be awarded.  The first-place winner’s application will be displayed on our website.


  1. Complete the online awards application  
  2. Provide a program outline, limited to five double spaced typed pages with no cover page.   
    1. Description of the Community Partnership: Connection between the partner and the needs within your community, why and how this partnership was established.  
    2. Program Description: Needs of the program, objective and target audience.   
    3. Impacts and Accomplishments: Impact, outcomes, and testimonials.   
    4. Role of Applicant in Partnership: What did the applicant(s) contribute to the partnership effort?  
    5. Role of the Community Partner: What did the partner contribute to the partnership effort?  
  3. One letter of support from a consumer, Extension supervisor or faculty, or agency describing the impact of the partnership on participants.   
  4. Supporting Material: Limit of 3 supporting documents which are, but not limited to brochures, handouts, evaluations, photos, or flyers.   
  5. Photo of the individual applicant or team.    


  1. Complete the online award application   
  2. Combine the Program Outline (up to 5 pages), Letter of Support, and Supporting Materials (3 items/documents combined).   
  3. Upload a photo of the individual or team as a JPEG file.


The Excellence in Outreach award recognizes members for their intentional efforts in engaging individuals outside their regular audience in order to help individuals gain access to the education and skills they need to increase their quality of life.   


First, second, and third place will be awarded.  The first-place winner’s application will be displayed on the our website.    


  1. Complete the online awards application  
  2. Provide a program outline, limited to five double spaced typed pages with no cover page.   
    1. Program Description: Needs of the program, objective and target audience.   
    2. Impacts and Accomplishments: Impact, outcomes, and testimonials.  Specifically, how the demographics of the program differs from previously offered programs  
    3. Role of Applicant in the Program: What did the applicant(s) contribute to the success of the program? What partners also contributed?   
  3. One letter of support from a consumer, Extension supervisor or faculty, or agency describing the impact of the partnership on participants.   
  4. Supporting Material: Limit of 3 supporting documents which are, but not limited to brochures, handouts, evaluations, photos, or flyers.   
  5. Photo of the individual applicant or team.


  1. Complete the online award application   
  2. Combine the Program Outline (up to 5 pages), Letter of Support, and Supporting Materials (3 items/documents combined).   
  3. Upload a photo of the individual or team as a JPEG file.


The Innovation in Programming Award recognizes members and their efforts developing and/or implementing a program that provides individuals with resources, skills, or knowledge using unique or new methods.  


First, second, and third place will be awarded. The first-place winner’s application will be displayed on the our website.


  1. Complete the online awards application  
  2. Provide a program outline, limited to five double spaced typed pages with no cover page.   
    1. Program Description: Needs of the program, objective and target audience. What set this program or project apart?  
    2. Impacts and Accomplishments: Impact, outcomes, and testimonials.  
    3. Role of Applicant in the Program: What did the applicant(s) contribute to the success of the program? What partners also contributed?   
  3. One letter of support from a consumer, Extension supervisor or faculty, or agency describing the impact of the partnership on participants.   
  4. Supporting Material: Limit of 3 supporting documents which are, but not limited to brochures, handouts, evaluations, photos, or flyers.   
  5. Photo of the individual applicant or team.  


  1. Complete the online award application   
  2. Combine the Program Outline (up to 5 pages), Letter of Support, and Supporting Materials (3 items/documents combined).   
  3. Upload a photo of the individual or team as a JPEG file.